Peggy, you're a hero.

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Had seen pictures of Peggy and Steve on Twitter. Was a big fan even then, but more so now after reading about them. Especially Peggy and her leg, and how she has coped. I would love to share a little paperback I published recently, about a dog of course. (if that is ok). Would love for you to read it. https://www.amazon.com/BUDDY-PAPAYI-Story-Indie-Friend/dp/B08VCJ4TWK/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1613131328&sr=8-1

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Peggy is amazing and your descriptions of her are so heartfelt that it is lovely to read about her along with the joyful photos.

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Why did this make me tear up?? Peggy is gorgeous and an inspiration to us all.

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